Tuesday, September 20, 2011

New Vocabulary: Rikki-tikki-tavi

1. quiver: verb. to shake or move with a slight trembling motion
2. burrow:noun. a hole or excavation in the ground made by an animal (as a rabbit) for shelter and habitation
3. bold:adj. fearless before danger : intrepid
4. slope:noun. ground that forms a natural or artificial incline
5. widow/widower: a woman or man who has lost her husband or wife by death and usually has not remarried
6. faint: verb. to lose consciousness because of a temporary decrease in the blood supply to the brain: black out, pass out.
7. dizzy:adj. having a feeling of being whirled about and in danger of falling down: groggy, woozy.
8. crouch:verb. to lower the body stance especially by bending the legs: squat, huddle.
9. clench: verb. to hold or close tightly. He clenched his fists in anger.
10. mourn: verb. to feel or express grief or sorrow. Thousands of people mourned his death.
mournful: adj. full of sorrow : sorrowful

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

New Vocabulary: Empress Theodora/ The Hipodrome

1. threaten: verb. menace, give signs or warning of. The clouds threaten rain.
2. forbade: verb. past tense of forbid. prohibit.
3. repeal: verb. to put an end to something planned. The army decided to repeal the rebellion.
4. strengthen. verb. fortify, make strong, increase the ability of a muscle.
5. sought: verb. past tense of seek. look for, search.
6. riot: noise or disturbance cause by rebels, public violence.
7. witty: adj. clever, intelligent.
8. input: noun. advice, opinion, comment.
9. loot: verb. sack, to rob especially on a large scale and usually by violence or corruption, especially in war.
10. perhaps: adv. possibly, but not certainly, maybe

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Amigo Brothers: Respond and Think Critically

Answer the following questions. Your comments will be graded depending on your spelling, grammar, coherence and depth from 1 to 10. You must post your own answers and then comment on your classmates answers.

What does the way the boys prepare, fight the bout, and act after the fight tell you about the characters?
Connect Would you be able to walk away from a contest like this fight without finding out if you had won? Why or Why not?
Evaluate Did you find this story, particularly its ending, true to life? Do you think two good friends can fight each other and stay friends? Give reasons for your opinion.

Holt, Elements of Literature, First Course. Pag 27.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Vocabulary: Amigo Brothers

1. lanky: adj. ungracefully tall and thin.
2. lean: adj. containing little or no fat, lacking of flesh.
4. husky: adj. strongly and heavily built.
5. slugger: noun. someone who hits hard.
6. puff: verb. breathe hard.
7. mingle: verb. mix.
8. bobbing: verb. strike quickly.
9. unbridled: unrestrained. A briddle is the headgear with which a horse is governed.
10. behold: verb. contemplate.