Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Amigo Brothers: Respond and Think Critically

Answer the following questions. Your comments will be graded depending on your spelling, grammar, coherence and depth from 1 to 10. You must post your own answers and then comment on your classmates answers.

What does the way the boys prepare, fight the bout, and act after the fight tell you about the characters?
Connect Would you be able to walk away from a contest like this fight without finding out if you had won? Why or Why not?
Evaluate Did you find this story, particularly its ending, true to life? Do you think two good friends can fight each other and stay friends? Give reasons for your opinion.

Holt, Elements of Literature, First Course. Pag 27.


  1. 1.that they are good friends and if someting rong happens to anyone they would be there being friends for ever..

    2. Yes. because I think that a friendship that is of long ago is more important that a figth.

    3. No. Yes because they are best friends since childhood and i don´t thing that a silly figth is going to ruin his friendship.

  2. the story was very interesting because of the two friends that were going to fignd both of them and the final was unexpected

  3. 1. I did not understand.
    2.yes because the reason I an leaving is because friendship not winning.
    3. It depends if they are true friends because true friends forgive.

  4. Maria Camila Iglesias August 25/2011
    1. I do not understand number one.

    2. Yes. I would be able to go away because what matters for me is friendship not a fight.

    3. Yes I think it can happen in real life, but only if there friendship is very strong .

  5. 1. That they thought their friendship was more important than the golden gloves or the bout.
    2. Sincerely I would not go away, I would like to win and if my friend told me that the bout was not going to affect their friendship I should trust him.
    3. If the friends are very unite, maybe they can understand that the strong friendship that they have can not be easily broken by one contest.
